
  1. For each of the following graphs:

    Show the concrete data structures if the graph was implemented via:

    1. adjacency matrix representation (assume a full V×V matrix)
    2. adjacency list representation (if non-directional, include both (v,w) and (w,v))


  2. Consider the following graph

    The edges are labelled simply for convenience in describing graph properties.

    1. How many edges does it have?

    2. How many cycles are there in the graph?

    3. How many cliques are there in the graph?

    4. What is the degree of each vertex?

    5. How many edges in the longest path from 5 to 8?

      (without traversing any edge more than once)


     1. 11 edges (labelled a..k)
     2. 6 cyles:  0-1-7-8-0,  1-2-7-1,  2-3-7-2,  0-1-2-7-8-0,  0-1-2-3-7-8-0,  1-2-3-7-1
     3. 2 cliques: {1, 2, 7}, {2, 3, 7}   (clique = complete subgraph with at least 3 nodes)
     4. d(0) = 2, d(1) = 3, d(2) = 3, d(3) = 3, d(4) = 2, d(5) = 1, d(6) = 1, d(7) = 5, d(8) = 2
     5. 7 edges, path is 5-4-3-2-7-1-0-8 or 5-4-3-7-2-1-0-8
  3. Facebook could be considered as a giant "social graph"

    1. What are the vertices?
    2. What are the edges?
    3. Are edges directional?
    4. What does the degree of each vertex represent?
    5. What kind of graph algorithm could suggest potential friends?


     1. Vertices are people (Facebook users)
     2. Edges are "friend" relationships
     3. No - if you are someone's friend, they are also your friend
     4. The degree of a vertex is the number of friends that the person represented by the vertex has
     5. Breadth-first search - find your immediate friends, then consider their friends, and so on